Past Webinar

Webinar: Mid-Year Check-In: Adapting the GCPG to your Existing Compliance Program

July 11, 2024

Suzanne Castaldo and Natalie Lesnick presented on July 11, 2024 about the GCPG and how to adapt the latest OIG Guidance to your existing Compliance Program.

Compliance Officers and other health care compliance professionals have had six months to review and consider the latest guidance from the OIG. In November 2023, the OIG released the General Compliance Program Guidance (GCPG) to provide general guidance on the seven elements of a compliance program. Now is the time to put the GCPG into practice.

The OIG reiterated several practices from previous compliance program guidance materials and outlined new ones for organizations to consider implementing in their existing compliance programs.  Among these practices include:

  • Increasing involvement by the executive-level compliance committee;
  • Creating incentives for promoting compliance and compliant behavior; and
  • Instituting a risk assessment process to inform audit and monitoring activities.

As the OIG has stated numerous times, compliance programs are not a one-size-fits-all operation. What may work for one organization may not work for another. Size, resources, location, and executive and governance support are all important factors in an effective compliance program. Some Compliance Officers face real challenges associated with finding the right resources to implement the best practices promulgated by the OIG, as well as getting leadership support as a top challenge for many organizations.

In this webinar,ย Strategic Management Consultant Natalie Lesnick, and Senior Consultant Suzanne Castaldo covered:

  • An overview of the November 2023 General Compliance Program Guidance
  • Best practices for Compliance Officers to consider in aligning with the GCPG
  • Challenges in implementing the GCPG
  • How to get leadership buy-in for your Compliance Program

Watch Mid-Year Check-In: Adapting the GCPG to your Existing Compliance Program (Video)

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